Happiness, Lifestyle, Love, Wellness

7/90 | Dinner With Friends

Howdy, Awesome Sauce. Today feels really good.

We found out last night that our solar panels went live! Woo hoo!! So excited to have these on our house. It has been a goal of mine to make sure that we have solar panels (#doingourpart) at some point.

And the monthly cost is less than APS (the electric company). So not only do we save money, we are helping the environment – at least that’s the word on the street.

And now that we’re in Arizona, we gotta take advantage of all that sun.

Also, we have friends coming over for dinner!! Feeling so blessed. (PS. Feeling blessed beats feeling crummy any day).

Today was filled with running errands, playing, and working a bit on my business. #productivityforthewin

Day 7 Food Review

Today was a really weird food day. My routine was all over the place. haha.

Breakfast wasn’t a smoothie!!! I know. Shocked, aren’t you? I was. I completely forgot and then we were buying groceries and I was getting hungry and tempted.

So we stocked up on Lara bars. Fry’s was having a sale – 10 for $10. So I had two of those for breakfast with a highball – grapefruit flavor.

The banana bread was so so so good. The cashew cookie was pretty good as well. But if I could only pick one, the banana bread would win every time.

Lunch was “daddies super fries”, which is basically cut potatoes, coconut oil, sea salt, and nutritional yeast and cooked in the air fryer. Sooo good. Yum yum yum.

Snack time was another Lara bar. I’m enjoying these little babies.

I forgot to take pics of all of dinner because we had friends over and I was really engaged in the conversation. It was so fun to have people over to enjoy a meal and conversation with.

However, dinner was a plate of fruit that they brought over of mango, watermelon, and pineapple. Chips and salsa. A similar type of broccoli cheese soup we had the night before, except I added too much rice so it wasn’t really a soup after all. Haha.

Truth be told, I get really nervous cooking for others.

And dessert of a super yummy chia chocolate pudding. The ingredients included: banana, dates, chia seeds, cacao powder, maca powder, almond butter, and unsweetened vanilla almond milk. All blended together and then set in the fridge for a few hours.

When ready to serve, I sprinkled with cacao nibs and strawberry slices. And seriously, this was divine. I have enough ingredients that I think I will make this to have all week.

For fun, I YouTubed how to fold napkins. These are supposed to be roses.
I remembered to take a pic before all the pudding was gone! haha

And after they left, Keoni and I stayed up watching some videos on TikTok and shared a glass of wine. We also spent time feeling really grateful for the evening and having such beautiful souls in our life.

Hope your day is awesome.

Sending love to you, Steph

PS. If you haven’t had friends over for a while, invite someone over that feels really good to be around this week to share space with. It’s such a fantastic way to invest in yourself and them.

P.P.S. I found this TED Talk and thought it was good enough to share with you. <3