Happiness, Lifestyle, Love, Wellness

6/90 Finding Bliss Through Play

Awesome Sauce, what a day, what a day!

First, this is a day late due to a power outage last night.

Yesterday, I started out the day with a little bit of refined sugar-free FOMO. I was thinking, can I really do this for a lifestyle? Forever. For-eva-eva?! I started thinking about all the sweet treats I would be missing out on.

And then later in the day, Keoni and I wrote down a list of goals or wants and then narrowed down our top two current goals. And then my FOMO disappeared. That was pretty great.

One of my top goals is to be in the best I can be mind, body, and soul.

We had so much fun playing outside last night. It was sooooo windy, that we decided to fly our kite in the front yard. It was a blast. The neighbors came out to join us and we spent time playing, laughing, and getting out energy.

Flying kites, scooting, bike riding, rollerblading, running around. Full-on blast. And beyond grateful for that and for having the neighbors we do. They are really fun and sweet.

Playing really is something that awakens my soul and will always leaving me overcome with bliss.

And then the power went out just in time for winding down for the night.

Such an awesome day. Feeling so lucky.

Okay, the food recap for the day.

I came downstairs just in time to make a smoothie for breakfast. Keoni was about to make Stirfry. Haha.

Smoothie of the day was: fresh pineapple, blueberries, protein powder, yogurt, spirulina, barley grass powder, matcha, unsweetened vanilla almond milk.

Lunch was stirfry. At this point, I think it’s safe to expect stirfry once a day. Haha.

Snack time was watermelon.

Dinner was one of my favorite meals I make. it changes a little bit each time, depending on what I have at home. A cheesy broccoli soup. So good.

It was made of: coconut milk, water, nutritional yeast, garlic powder, sea salt, curry powder, broccoli, a little bit of rice, tofu, rice noodles, and then topped with avocado and chili pepper flakes.

So good.

Anyway, I had the BEST day. My heart and belly are full. And I think this is going to be the best year yet. Which is huge. Because overall, my life has been pretty grand. But that’s because of what I choose to focus on. 😉

Sending so much love to you, Steph

2 thoughts on “6/90 Finding Bliss Through Play

  1. Even walking the dogs make them and myself happy. Only one of them really plays but it makes me laugh and he gets lots of exersize. thanks for reminding its ok to laugh and believe its all going to be ok. thank you

    1. Love that! Isn’t it great how going for a walk can really get a different and uplifting energy going? One thing I know about life is that downs will come and thankfully so will ups. And sometimes the down moments are just as important as the up moments.

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