Happiness, Lifestyle, Wellness

4/90 | This Diet Would Make Most People Cry

Do you ever have days where it is just easy to push yourself outside your comfort zone and go for a goal? Today was one of those days for me.

I have been dreaming about becoming an event speaker since I was in high school. And this week I decided to take action on that. Like real action. Not just journaling my ideas.

Plus, I want to really grow my podcast because it is such an awesome passion of mine. And I know each guest that I’ve had on has positively impacted someone who has listened.

By the way, if you’ve listened to an episode, please leave me a review. Reviews are super important in the podcast world. The more reviews you have the more visible you become.

And I know if you follow any of my content, you want the world to be a more loving and awesome place for all of us and our little ones. So take 5 minutes or less and leave me a review. Thank you so much!!!

Also, I’ve decided that a better title for myself instead of “life coach” is “Action Engineer.” So that’s what I’m going with. 😉

Hi, I’m Steph. Action Engineer at your service. 🙂

Day 4 Review

Today was pretty great. It was also grocery shopping day for the week. Love that day. I kinda wing it with a little bit of a plan. I’m not always the best at meal planning for the week.

However, I’m working on it. I actually have lots of meal plans I’ve created over the years, I just hardly use them.

My energy feels good even though I went to bed late last night. Stayed up with the hubs watching the new Dave Chappell special on Netflix.

I got in my steps, assisted pull-ups, and today’s glute exercise. I’m craving lifting weights though. I have some at home, but it’s not the same as being at the gym. Maybe a gym membership will be in my future.

Perhaps that’s more motivation for me to find a sponsor for my podcast.

A couple more things I was thinking I should note about my lifestyle. I do intermittent fasting. This means on most days I don’t eat anything between 6 pm and 10 am. Keoni doesn’t join me on this. And that’s okay.

Also, we eat mostly gluten-free. I know, right? Just when you thought my lifestyle was already inconvenient. I throw that into the mix. Haha.

  • Mostly gluten-free
  • Vegan
  • Refined sugar-free (currently transitioning to a lifestyle)
  • Intermittent fasting

What can I say? The easy road has never been my forte. haha. I 1,000% get that my lifestyle isn’t for everyone. And that’s okay.

Refined sugar-free is the hardest part. Sugar is in so many things. Even things we think are healthy. Once refined sugar is added, it cancels out the healthy aspect. (in my opinion)

Okay, let’s get into today’s meals.

Breakfast was again a protein smoothie. Seriously, smoothies are my favorite. I love to start every day with one. If Keoni is in charge of breakfast it throws me off because he’ll be like, “here’s some stirfry.”

Today’s smoothie: unsweetened almond milk, bananas, strawberries, peanut butter, and protein powder.

Peanut butter that doesn’t have anything else added besides salt, looks kind gross. But this was delicious.

Lunch was Tacos! I totally forgot how much I love tacos. Definitely a favorite.

Hard shells, black bean refried beans, a cheese spread, spinach, and salsa. Yum!!

Snack time was another popsicle. Gotta finish them. 🙂 And the rest of the taco shells, nacho dip, and salsa.

Dinner was a chickpea pasta with olive oil, broccoli (I put it in a food processor first), avocado, and tomatoes.

Fun fact: when you eat tomatoes and broccoli together, they work together to make sure you get all the benefits of them. Yahoo!

This was great. The sad part? Pasta gives me the worst gas. (I know TMI, TMI!!!) So I don’t eat it that often. I know you may think it’s the broccoli. It’s not. It’s the pasta. 🙁

I also drank half a sugar-free high ball. The best part of those energy drinks? They don’t have any fake sweeteners added. Win!

Today was a great food day and my mood is good. I did have a moment of craving something sugary when I was feeling snacky tonight watching a movie. It passed though.

And for those of you who are curious about the weight side of this journey, it’s been 4 days of no refined sugar and I’ve let go of 1.3 pounds.

Well, Awesome Sauce, thanks for joining me today. I hope your holiday weekend is going to be phenomenal. Chat with you tomorrow.

Sending so much love your way, Steph

PS. Are you curious about trying no sugar? What’s stopping you?