Happiness, Lifestyle, Wellness

3/90 Feeling Like Groundhogs Day In The Kitchen

Today was awesome! I didn’t get in my 12,000 steps, however, I did go for a morning jog with the boys, did yoga, completed day 12 of the 100 glute challenge, and played lots of tag with the boys today.

Sometimes it’s surprising how hard it is to get in those 12,000 steps and other days seem so easy.

I did, however, complete the day with no refined sugar. I’m taking it as a win!

Day three is done and I’m feeling good.

Though, my food is a bit like groundhog day. Haha. I don’t mind. I heard once that most people eat the same 20 foods.

So I guess, I fit in that group. 🙂

Breakfast was a protein smoothie with some yogurt, bananas, strawberries, protein powder, spirulina, barley grass powder, and unsweetened almond milk.


Lunch was 2 super green veggie burgers with salsa on top and a side of green beans seasoned with vegan butter, dill, and sea salt.

Fun info about dill I’ll share at the end of the post.

Snack time was a simple popsicle. Have a couple left. Makio and Keoni aren’t fans of popsicles. More for me. Woo hoo!

And then dinner was rice, tempeh, carrots, and cabbage sprinkled with soy sauce and some Tobasco sauce.

Here is a little sugar craving hack. Luckily, no sugar cravings have hit me yet. However, if you’re trying to cut down on the refined sugar and you want some support. Try a drop of dill essential oil on your wrist. Word on the street is that it helps kick out those sugar cravings.

I added some dill seasoning on my green beans today, just in case those sugar cravings were thinking of visiting today. Prevention is key. 🙂

Have an awesome day!

Sending so much love your way! Steph